
New (Year's) Resolution: Hit Me

Prismatic Wasteland has issued a very inspiring challenge and boy do I love reinventing the wheel. “I issue a challenge to YOU and ye to all bloggers! In the dawning light of 2024, you must come up with a New Year’s Resolution. But I’m not talking about your typical forbearance from vices or oaths to lift weights. I’m talking something way more important: Resolution Mechanics.” Hit Me Stats & Fatigue Character have 3 Stats to describe what they are good/bad at: STR, DEX,  and WILL. One is an 6, one a 10, and one a 14. The higher the better. Each character also has a pool of Fatigue representing how drained they are from their adventure. This starts at 0 but increase with things such as travel or lost sleep. Making a Roll When the outcome of an action is unknown you must roll a d6 under the applicable Stat and above Fatigue + the Difficulty Rating of the task, determined by the GM ( typically between 0 and 4). At any point while resolving a Roll you m

New (Year's) Resolution: Blackjack?

This is my second entry into the  New Year’s Resolution Mechanic challenge by Prismatic Wasteland! And honestly this one can hardly be called new as it’s really just blackjack with a single twist… Oh well! Stats The stats don’t really matter. For this example we’ll use the ol’ reliable Brain and Brawn, for mental and physical tasks. Then simply assign a measure of how good a character is to each. For this we’ll say you have anywhere from 0 to 2 in a stat. Play When a task needs resolving first determine the most applicable attribute, Brain or Brawn. Draw a number of cards from a standard playing card deck equal to that Stat. Note the highest result of the cards drawn, with faces and Aces equalling 11. Reshuffle the cards back into the deck. and begin playing blackjack, you vs the Game Master. With the exception that your new cap is 21+ the highest result drawn from your Stats. Example Notes  As the example shows once you get over 21 you are guarante